We're excited to share the details of a recent project in partnership with Effixon, where we successfully addressed challenges related to the ship unloader trolley re-design, aiming to resolve issues of vibration and rusting affecting the main and auxiliary trolley components.
Vibration and Rusting of Main and Auxiliary Trolley Members/Plates
This project's scope involved a complete replacement of both the Main and Auxiliary trolleys, and Effixon played a pivotal role in the project's success.

We commenced the project with the Overall General Arrangement Drawing (GA Drawing) as our reference point. However, the challenge we faced was the lack of detailed drawings for the trolleys.
Missing Detail Drawings
The absence of detailed trolley drawings made the project more challenging.
Continuous Operation
The unloader could not be halted due to the uninterrupted supply of coal, making it necessary to conduct measurements during brief windows of unavailability, often during ship changes.

To tackle these challenges, dedicated Effixon engineers were dispatched to the site. They took measurements while the machine was in operation and captured critical data during ship interchange periods. This meticulous approach allowed us to obtain the necessary dimensions for the re-design.
Based on the GA drawing and the measurements gathered on-site, a preliminary 3D model was developed. To ensure the trolley's stability, we conducted Finite Element Analysis (FEA) under various loading conditions.
All in all the project was a success, with the re-designed ship unloader trolley not only resolving the vibration and rusting issues but also enhancing the efficiency of our client's operations.
At Dickinson Group of Companies, we value our partnerships and remain committed to providing innovative solutions to our client's unique challenges, even when faced with limited resources and complex operating conditions.
Stay tuned for more updates on our continuous efforts to deliver excellence and drive innovation in the industry.

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