DGC AFRICA is a leading asset integrity and industrial solutions provider to mining & metallurgy, glass, mineral processing, and manufacturing industries around the globe. The company is leveraging off its dominant presence in Southern Africa in Zambia, Namibia, and the Democratic Republic of Congo, to expand into the other Anglophone (English), Francophone (French), and Portuguese-speaking countries throughout sub-Saharan Africa. The company has more than 50 years of experience in Africa; since the company was involved during the 1960s in a major project for GECAMINES Sarl., in the Democratic Republic of Congo. DGC AFRICA’s focus is on the provision of the Group’s range of specialist industrial services throughout Africa. DGC Africa operates in ways that enhance society and the environment, the company intentionally collaborates with its surrounding communities assisting in alleviating societal challenges faced by the vulnerable. This article will briefly describe some of the company’s recent corporate social responsibility initiatives within the community surrounding its Zambian offices, in Mufulira.

On the 14th of December 2021, DGC Africa donated wheelchairs to individuals that were identified to have mobility challenges within the aforementioned community.

The donations were aimed at alleviating some of the challenges that are experienced this vulnerable group of community members. The ‘life changing gifts of mobility’, as referred to by some beneficiaries were highly appreciated, as without wheelchairs, some disabled people’s independence is taken away and their options become limited in ways beyond comprehension.

Similar donations were also made in the previous years. In all instances the donations were made in conjunction with the Rotary Club of Mufulira, a local organisation that has been uplifting the living conditions the communities of Mufulira for over 50 years.

DGC AFRICA is also a proud sponsor of the Kantanshi Tennis Club, an ambitious club with a promising nursery in terms of players that if well utilised the club can produce players that can represent the country locally and internationally.

The company’s contributions assist in the smooth running of the club, helping them meet their obligations such as acquiring kits, equipment and catering for travelling expenses during tournaments.

Below are some of the team’s recent achievements:
The club made enormous strides in affording numerous young people a platform where they can become disciplined tennis players with good tennis skills and potentially represent the entire nation someday.
The team participated in a number of local and international tournaments where they performed exceptionally well.
The club undertook different charitable works in communities and prisons respectively.