Even high quality refractory monolithic material can give poor performance if adequate care is not taken to ensure proper water addition, mixing and initial dry-out.
Precast refractories are manufactured under exacting conditions, in conformance with stringent quality control systems, ensuring that the physical properties of the refractory material are optimized, along with performance. The use of precast refractory technologies can greatly enhance the performance of refractory linings in pyrometallugical operations.
Adequate and controlled initial dry-out performs a major role in the development of physical properties of a refractory material. The manufacture of precast refractories involves heating of the precast blocks to temperatures between 850 °C and 1000 °C; thereby ensuring the formation of a ceramic bond; a much stronger bond compared to the hydraulic bond that is formed in the conventional methods of installing castable.
Precast refractory shapes offer the following added benefits:
Ease of installation
Shortened repair times
Replacement parts may be kept on hand for quick replacement
Repairs are also able to be isolated
Standard shapes enable replacement to be confined to the worn area,
Eliminating costs and time-consuming repairs